Apparently men who climax twice a week are half as likely to die prematurely as men who only climax once a month.I am a 31 year old woman. My husband is 50 and we have been married for 8 months. We have sex regularly and we enjoy it. Is having a lot of sex potentially harmful to my husband because of his age?Absolutely not - on the contrary, it’s great for him!

 It's been suggested that as frequent male orgasm drains the body of seminal fluid, it can help a man avoid both congestive prostatis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and prostate cancer.An orgasm is sa.</p><p>onus, we’ll show you how to make your own simple, cheap and safer-sex friendly harness out of an unexpected kitchen staple! Bring your questions, share your experiences, and enjoy a lively demonstration.Annamarie is a passionate sex educator with a knowledge fetish. Sexuality has been a life-long interest, with a focus.

Are having a serious conversation with a customer, and some guy keeps calling, masturbating and groaning over the phone…#MostAwkwardSituationsWhen frisky couples invite us for threesomes ‘after work’…#MostAwkwardSituationsWhen customers get carried away and start stroking us during conversation…#MostAwkwardSituationsWhen a guy turns up with a half-eaten sandwich, hoping for a quickie during his lunch hour…

MostAwkwardSituationsWhen granny and young grand daughter pop in, thinking we’re a sweet shop…#MostAwkwardSituationsWhen asking the HR Department if there’s a law against spanking staff during work hours…Those are some of our MostAwkwardSituations, and we’ll no doubt tweet more as they happen!

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